Thursday, May 1, 2014


Our final exam is based on our last unit (11th grade bootcamp) and consists of a cumulative test (that is, a test on the skills we have learned all year). In particular, yo ned to study and know the terms on this list:

Final Literary Terms

Our final will be on Friday, May 23rd.

The exam will cover the following:

Literary Terms
The short story "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury
The short story "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan
A few poems that we will study in class
A non-fiction article we will read in class
Plus, cold-reading selections will be featured on the exam (that is, there will be a short story, a few poems, and an article on the test that we have not read before).
Plus, skills such as writing and proofreading an essay in MLA format, writing annotations, figuring out the meaning of words using context clues, etc.

More information about the final is coming soon!